The B*tch Is Back

You’ll undoubtedly notice the blog had been quiet for a year. We’ve always wanted to be smart enough to have jobs where we could take a sabbatical, so let’s just say that we did. We struggled with getting the right tone, perfecting the length of each post, having enough topics to cover. We thought about it, waited for inspiration, thought about it some more. We wrote, edited, deleted, and shoved a lot into the pending folder. We talked about getting the right balance between sharing publicly and maintaining privacy and boundaries. We pondered and waited for Godot.

“Understanding the difference between healthy striving and perfectionism is critical to laying down the shield and picking up your life.”Brene Brown, PhD, LMSW.

Pick up your life. There is never a moment or state of perfection.

We decided to stand up and say this is who we are: we love to write, we love to share our thoughts and inspirations, we love connecting with people. What we bring to the table is good enough. What others think is beyond our control. We will not be held back by fears or concerns of what others may think. We will put down our shields. And that is enough.

So the blog is back. Imperfect. But it’s who we are. It’s authentically imperfect, it’s vulnerable in sharing who we are. We’re looking forward to stumbling along with you.

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2 Responses to The B*tch Is Back

  1. Nora Jessome says:

    I like Waiting for Godot, I had a role in this play many, many years ago. I like moving forward as well. Congratulations!


  2. Thanks Nora! Which role did you play? I had no idea you were a thespian! I love discovering the many different layers that make each of us who we are!


Penny For Your Thoughts: